Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Low Downs

   I just got a message from Steve Downs, T/O division chair. He basically is informing us of the latest procedures that the TA wants to implement about how we can use the OTO time we earn. In other words Downs is letting the TA act unilaterally to implement changes in the conditions of employment. The TA bosses are ignoring the arbitration award, the court and the law and all Downs can do is pass along the message about what the bosses want to do!

   I guess this is the role that the TA sees for union reps, making sure the members are told what the TA bosses want them to do!
Could it be that Downs is really so incompetent that he doesn’t understand the dangerous precedents being set, or is he just a sellout and an agent of the bosses?

   It’s anybodies guess why Downs’s does (or doesn’t do) what he does, but one thing is for sure, Steve Downs may be a lousy division chair but he sure is a good messenger boy!
     -An Angry Train Operator-