Why is John hiding from the members?
No Mass membership meeting
No Lobby Day
No plan on how to save our jobs.
In his first test of strength against the bosses he failed.
He gave away the last raise of our contract and the 1.5 win.
MTA Bus has still not received there raises.
Where’s John
Why is John running from the bosses?
John spends his time running throughout the country trying to find money instead of organizing the fight at home. He failed on every organizing attempt so far.
The legislative breakfast at the Union Hall.
The rally at FIT.
The bus trip to Albany.
The bosses know he is clueless and that’s why we now have the layoffs coming.
The bosses are not afraid of him.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
John caught in his own trap
John Samuelsen , has called in the Department of Labor in his attempt to get the old administration in foul play. For the last 2 months the Department of Labor has been in the Union Hall going over records in an attempt to find dirt on Former President Roger Toussaint.
But guess who got caught in the raid? John’s #2 man MoW VP Tony Utano. He has been found to have been ineligible to run in the last election, because he failed to pay his dues on time.
That’s right John Samuelsen has caught his own man.
Who did we elect here the gang that couldn’t shoot straight?
But guess who got caught in the raid? John’s #2 man MoW VP Tony Utano. He has been found to have been ineligible to run in the last election, because he failed to pay his dues on time.
That’s right John Samuelsen has caught his own man.
Who did we elect here the gang that couldn’t shoot straight?
John’s little dirty secret
This week John went to the MTA board with his special invitee Republican Senator Golden, that’s right Republican. Did you know that John’s in-laws are deeply entrenched in the south Brooklyn Republican Party?
Also John just recently changed his party registration from Republican to Democratic just for the union elections. Beware” the FOX, is loose in the henhouse”.
Stay tuned.
Also John just recently changed his party registration from Republican to Democratic just for the union elections. Beware” the FOX, is loose in the henhouse”.
Stay tuned.
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