Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Master of self promotion

John said our union didn't need a professional media relations firm, and, as far as he's concerned he was right!

He's doing a great job of self promotion all by himself!
He's turning our union's website into another chance for him to get photo ops.
Go to the Local 100 website and the first thing you see is John's face but not much more then that because his empty quotes and inane comments are an even bigger embarrassment then his photo.

Members should check it out if they want a good laugh, unfortunately, management is laughing at this clown too!



Anonymous said...

I think it ironic that John is all over the news and print protesting the impending cuts to service and the issue with the passes for students, but so deafeningly silent on the contract!

Anonymous said...

With all of the press john is getting I would'nt be surprised if john is running for a city council seat or something soon. He looks less like the president of local 100 and more like a politician running for office.

Anonymous said...

Good point. This is total ego. Was Take Back Our Union really about taking it back to a time when the leadership was all talk and no action? I know that it's early in Johns term but I would feel better about our future if I saw him hit the ground running to secure the much anticipated raises and retro. At least give us a date.