Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No Free Ride

We need to support the fight of students to save their free passes.This is part of the fight against the powers that put the cost and omus of the economic crisis (that they caused) onto the backs of the working class.

 We need fight against this and defeat it.
  How is John Samuelson going to get us our free universal pass for Metro North and the Long Island Railroad as well as our free Easy Pass if they take the free passes from the students.
Con Man Samuelson promised this during the Election campaign fully knowing it was highly unlikely we could get this.

-light maintainer-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree fully with this post.Samuelsen came to my quarters during the campaign with some of his people. He gave us the same b.s. rap about free passes on this,free passes on that etc. I'd never heard him speak before this and he stuck me as a self-serving phoney and going to the Local 100 website and this blog, my first impression hasn't changed a bit.How is Local 100 going to survive his administration.what kind of shape will it be in at the end of his hopefuuly short reign? a Signal Maintainer