Sunday, February 7, 2010


I am a cleaner who works nights.
I had some static from a supervisor who wasn't my usual supervisor, a week and a half ago.
I called 66-3578 and 66-3580 expecting to reach the union (I have called these numbers a few times over the last few years). I’ve also passed them on to several co-workers who have called them.
When in the past we called someone from the union someone has always answered, given us advice and information sometimes they have come out into the field to deal with supervision.
This time, there was no answer, of course. I’m aware there has been a change in the union but I thought it wouldn't affect the level of service we're use to getting.
I guess I thought wrong. My curiosity got to me so I've called once or twice a night since and no one answers.
With the Samuelsen crowd in power is stuff like this going to be par for the course?
May the good Lord will help us to get through these three years.

A night CTA


Anonymous said...

So how exactly does someone get in touch with the union at night?Night workers are completely by ourselves,it is like there's no union on the property.This is what taking back our union offers us -nothing. Night Station Agent

Anonymous said...

There still is a union? Night Third Rail Worker

Anonymous said...

One night two weeks ago I knocked on the door of the 14th street and 8th Ave. union office wanting some information from a union rep.A guy came up be behind me and said nobody was in there,I then started walking towards the Quarters at 16th.I walked about 75 feet and turned around and lo and behold the guy who told me no one was there was using a key to open the door.This is the taking back our union.IsIT POSSIBLE TO HAVE THE ELECTION DONE OVER? -G,a Night Trackworker

Anonymous said...

Reading this post and it's comments shook me up a little.I have used the two phone numbers talked about in the post and always got a response the past few years.Other RTO people at night also know these numbers.So it seems that we in RTO at Night are in the same perdictament as Stations,we are on our own.It's for us like there's no union on the property at night.How can the big Rank and File talkers like Steve Downs and Harrington let this happen? K.,train operator,Nights

Anonymous said...

The night Union Safety Team headed up by John McCarthy and Jeffrey Lee of the last Union Administration worked very well for the membership.You called them and 99%of the time someone answered.They intervened on behalf of members irregardless of what department or division the member was from.Now in 3rd RAIL Nights,we have no idea who is supposed to represent us or who to call.From reading this Blog I'm saddened to see we aren't the only Division facing this problem.Is Samuelsen's Administration just slow getting out of the starter's gate or is it that it's just a travesty and a tragedy coming down the Tracks that He and these folks are running the Union? J.,Third Rail Nights

Anonymous said...

I'm a newcomer to this blog,Samuelsen has done the membership a favor by the publicity ariuond his wanting to sue whoever you are.More members now know of your existence.That said,what Iwanted to say is "it's ten you know how to get in touch with your union"?