Saturday, March 27, 2010

John caught in his own trap

   John Samuelsen , has called in the Department of Labor in his attempt to get the old administration in foul play. For the last 2 months the Department of Labor has been in the Union Hall going over records in an attempt to find dirt on Former President Roger Toussaint. 
But guess who got caught in the raid? John’s #2 man MoW VP Tony Utano. He has been found to have been ineligible to run in the last election, because he failed to pay his dues on time.
   That’s right John Samuelsen has caught his own man.
   Who did we elect here the gang that couldn’t shoot straight?


Anonymous said...

That sounds just like John,by nature he's a rat.Whatever the low point in the history of Local 100 was,I believe it's been surpassed unfortunately these past just about three months with this class of clowns attempting to run the local. Trackologist

Anonymous said...

I heard from a union officer in Structure that Tony Utano told him 'not to shut down any jobs,this is not what they want'.Out of one
side of their mouth they claim they're going to run the best safety program Local 100 has ever had and the other side of their mouth they tell someone not to stop jobs.From reading this blog this seems to be their M.O.,say good things and do the opposite.What exactly are Samuelsen,Utano and company good for?There are jobs going on all the time that the last union administration's reps would have closed down.What benefits do the members who voted for them see in this Frankenstein experiment of Taking Back Our Union? E,Structure,Nights

Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprise of Utano? These were the guys who were running around encouraging members not to pay dues. Utano is not the only one. The Union Hall is full of them,Marvin Holland, David Francis,Keith Cummings and Charles Jenkins,just to name a few. Samuelsen rewarded them with Union jobs, paid for with Union Dues.