Today I got an email from Local 100. The title of it is called the "Union stops clock on booth closings". When I opened it the title of the article was "The layoff of 475 temporarily Halted". I am one of the agents that will be made extra when the clock starts again on the booth closings. Keeping us in the booths should have been settled at 2 Bway. Why did it take the going to court?
Why did it take the MTA disrespecting our pick rights to temporarily stop the layoffs? The MTA is walking all over us. When Supervision called us and told us you are being made extra as of May 7 we were shocked. The biggest shock was when we said "we have pick rights and you can't make me extra" the Supervisor replied “take it up with your union".
Those of us that still had some faith in the union called them. Their reply was managements rights is how they were able to make us extra, not only extra, the bottom of the list extra. I am glad I got a few more days to mentally prepare myself for being extra, because of the court injunction.
If Samuelsen pulls off us staying in our picked job until the pick changes, you better wonder what he gave up.
I wouldn't be surprised if he comes and asks us to give up something just to stay in our jobs.
-Violated SCA-
Isn't there someone we can petition to get rid of the make believe union and bring back the real union?
I went to the Local 100 website today and read where the administration says we should call Senator Schumer's office to tell him to support emergency funding for Mass Transit now.I made the call but it struck me as strange that at this late date this is all we are asked to do.What happened to Direct Action Samuelsen?Where's the militant action,The Chief and The Daily News told us T.B.O.U. was the militant faction in Local 100,what;s up? a member from Track
266 station agents layed off today with no fight back by the union! Now the union will play the blame game and blame it on the members for not doing enough to stop the layoffs!
Yes, there is someone we can petition..., the members in good standing who voted them in & those that could vote but chose not to. Perhaps in '12 we'll all realize the true value of being in good standing.
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