Monday, June 7, 2010


The judge has ruled in the favor of Local 100, now what does Samuelsen do?

In our most recent court case Local 100 has a win but how do we get our members back and stop the rest of the layoffs.

By the way this should have been presented to a judge as soon as transit mentioned layoffs.

Last week Samuelsen called a special meeting for ideas because he doesn't have a clue about the next step.

Don't be surprised if our members don't return, Samuelsen knows these are not his supporters and if there is one thing he does work hard at its punishing the members that don't agree with him.

Why wasn't there a meeting called inviting all of the members that were laid off?

Samuelsen should spend some time explaining what was going on and what the next step is for them.

Here's an idea for you Samuelsen, instead of collecting resumes for some non-existing green jobs how about establishing a hot line for laid off members or members that are in jobs are being threatened.

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