Sunday, August 1, 2010

Who's Family?

We understand that 90 percent of those in attendance were non members.

Not only was this discounted benefit provided to members in bad standing from the strike, but dozens of buses were provided for anyone, even for individuals walking in from the street, to buy and resell tickets at a


Some went to "friends" who got the word and the inside track. Business enterprises like this are supposed to file special forms with the IRS.


Anonymous said...

A big reason for this is the current union administration has no relationship with the members.My gang finally received flyers for Family Day in our mail when we came back from our job on Thursday Morning, two days before Family Day,but this is an improvement for them,this is the first thing we've gotten all year from them,imagine in a year of such crisis,what a crew. Third Rail Nighrs

Anonymous said...

And now thy want to spend more union money to march on Washington! Public invited on our buses too! Outrage! My union dues to a gang of buses for the public. Raise our dues right before 10 2 10. I'll be damned