Monday, November 15, 2010

Hit a Nerve

Whoever you are that write this blog, you must have hit a nerve.
 I laughed this morning when I read the Daily News about "TWU big suing Google".

 Is this the same man over 12 months ago was always talking negative about Toussaint Administration?
The same one that called Toussaint a thief.
He also said "the members have a right to voice their outrage without being penalized".

Now because you raised some interesting points he wants to sue to find out who you are.

After looking at your blog I see that it has more accurate information than the crap the Union sends out in emails.

Keep it Up


Anonymous said...

What a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive,Johnnie Boy.Some of us in Track knew you were a phoney back in 2005,it took the last several months for an awful lot of members to catch on.You're doing a heck of a job.Brownie.

Anonymous said...

Samuelson you haven't been of much use to transit workers during 2010,but here you've done some good,you've let a lot of us find out about this website,Thank you.What happened,you had all the answers for everything the four,five year period leading up to this year,what happened?Toussaint was always wrong,you and Tommy Creggan knew everything and now on top of you have no answers when you're in charge ,you and Creggan have parted ways. You ought to consult your great pal,Richard Steir from the Chief,another great answer man.