Monday, August 9, 2010


    Piazza, Steve Downs, and now former President Curtis Tate, give me a break with these used up car salesmen.

    How far will Samuelsen go to sell his tax?

    No one has yet put into print how this will be safe guarded against providing a benefit for non dues paying members that are laid off.

    I ask again “why couldn’t this be on a volunteer basis?” Could it be because Samuelsen can’t mobilize the members?

    These paid endorsements by Samuelsen staff are a joke, this is in no way leadership.

    Why couldn’t this be explained in a Mass Membership meeting, why didn't he come around and explain it the way Roger always did?

    The vote will come back ‘no thank you for your tax Samuelsen ‘ and when that happens resign in time for us to get a real leader before the contract negotiation starts.

                            NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!!!!!!!!!

    Remember as Tate says Walder is looking.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Our five dollars will go toward the October 2nd rally. Will it save our jobs? Don't think so. its Another huge waste of the Union funds. Misappropriated funds. john, is somebody brainwashing you? Israel what happened to saving the union money! Our dues will go up because airfare is up! The local 100 is in newyork, not dc!

Anonymous said...

"Walder is watching" Curtis Tate sez.

Oh we know Walder is watching. The question is: is SAMUELSON watching -for us?

This charade has nothing to do with layoffs and everything to do with a "Cover Your Ass" by a bunch of phoneys who have no fight left in em.

Anonymous said...

Downs looks the other way and stays silent cause he got a job supposedly teaching the new shop stewards and a friend of his from outside got a job being paid by our union dues also to do shop steward education.Also the Local bought an ad in the Labor Notes conference' Journal.By the way where are the job actions and work to rule slowdowns in the RTO led by Harrington and Downs,with a Thousand of our members layedoff,you would think they'd be leading such actions.IS it that they and their crew are just big talkers not doers?is it the perfect job for Downs,he really should be a professor?

Anonymous said...

Curtis Tate and Samuelsen deserve each oiher,they both say one thing and do another.Tate would say during last year's election how if Samuelsen and TBOU were elected the next three years would be a disaster.Well he was right,the disaster is her,but right after the election was over he took a job with Samuelsen.It seems he's another person who just says things that sound good and his actions are different.I guess driving a train must really be a bitch these days,to go and sell yourself instead of going back to driving one.

Anonymous said...

The last comment was right on the money and something I've thought for a while.Samuelsen and the tbou crew has done tremendous damage inside Local 100 going back several years.They promoted selfish thinking among the members and anti-union values eg.-dues payment was optional during dues revocation.This selfish climate they promoted almost bit them hard in the ass with the dues referendum vote.They keep on taking potshots at the last administration after the vile way they attacked it for years.Yet here's Curtis Tate with his arm around their shoulders,in the past I thought he had self-respect,apparently that is no longer true.

Anonymous said...

Today "The village idiot" stayed away from Solidarity information. How was that a Staff meeting He likes to hear his own voice "Pacifically" Go Onesha! She put him in his place.