Monday, June 7, 2010


It’s been 5 months and all I have seen is the MTA taking, taking, and taking.

The new Leadership first put the blame on Roger, now it’s the rank and file's fault for not getting involved in the fight.

First of all Samuelsen never put up a fight. Where is that militancy that Samuelsen said they were going to bring?

TBOU stood for Take Back Our Union didn't it?

The MTA is the one that has Taken Back Our Union.

-They took back 266 jobs from our members (layoffs and more to come)

-STEP graduates stopped from advancing to skilled titles they were trained to do (at the MTAs expense).

-The backbone of the elected Officers (if they ever had any)

NEWS FLASH ---- Samuelsen, you are are supposed to represent the Rank and File.

We, as the Rank and File have to decide how much more we are going to let the MTA take back.

The new administration obviously doesn’t give a damn.

If they are not bringing the information to us then let’s go and get it from them.

It’s time we remember we as the Rank and File voted them in as a voice for us, but it's the Rank and File that lets them know what we need and what we want.

Ex-TBOU Supporter


The judge has ruled in the favor of Local 100, now what does Samuelsen do?

In our most recent court case Local 100 has a win but how do we get our members back and stop the rest of the layoffs.

By the way this should have been presented to a judge as soon as transit mentioned layoffs.

Last week Samuelsen called a special meeting for ideas because he doesn't have a clue about the next step.

Don't be surprised if our members don't return, Samuelsen knows these are not his supporters and if there is one thing he does work hard at its punishing the members that don't agree with him.

Why wasn't there a meeting called inviting all of the members that were laid off?

Samuelsen should spend some time explaining what was going on and what the next step is for them.

Here's an idea for you Samuelsen, instead of collecting resumes for some non-existing green jobs how about establishing a hot line for laid off members or members that are in jobs are being threatened.


First of all congratulations to all of the step participants who completed the 6 month STEP program.

I am embarrassed to be part of a union that would take such a giant step backwards,

Samuelsen has not made any secret of the fact that he wants to end any program the prior administration created, but to purposely send the STEP graduates back to their old titles is an attack on the entire membership.

There has never been a STEP class that didn't go directly into the apprenticeship program, until now.

If you calculate the cost of going back to their old titles it is more costly to Transit.
In the titles of Bus Operator or Train Operator there will always be built in overtime unlike the title of apprentice where there is virtually none.

Where is the cost savings?

Transit wasn't hiring anyone to replace them.

Where is the fight or even the argument to have these members move on?

Tony Utano and John Samuelsen never wanted any apprentices in MOW and they are now spear heading this attack.