Sunday, March 7, 2010

John Ducks the E-board

The latest news is that John Samuelsen ducked the last e-board meeting. That's right he was a no show.

   Well, as far as the real top two are concerned the e board is meaningless anyway. As was made clear at the meeting, (even Downs complained about this), the only decisions that count are the ones made by Samuelsen and Utano. They will allow the e board to go through the motions but it's obvious that they don't consider the e board very important.

   Meanwhile because the ring master was not there the e board took no action on the important issue of the MTA's continuing challenge to our arbitration award. Although a resolution regarding this was proposed it was killed by Samuelsen's mouthpiece, Larry Cary, the lawyer Samuelsen pays with our dues money to tell transit workers what to do.

   Also, word is that White Plains Bus is getting sold out! Stations are saying so, what else is new.

Rats Jumping Ship

   Former Samuelsen supporters, some who actually believed his campaign BS about "militant direct action", are already jumping ship.

   Can Downs and Harrington be far behind, or will they wait until he really betrays them by selling out RTO?

   That's right; Samuelsen and Utano are getting ready to sell out RTO.

   Downs and Harrington will either have to help Samuelsen and Utano get away with this or come out against it.


Goodbye Stations

   There is more and more evidence that John Samuelsen and Tony Utano have cut a deal with their buddy Walder to sell out Stations!

   While you are slaving in the booths and platforms wondering if you'll have a job tomorrow John and Tony are sipping champagne with Walder, Pendergast, and the other big shots, laughing about how you are going to get the business.

   The first sign of proof that John and Tony don't give a damn about Stations was when they let inexperienced incompetent individuals run for the leadership of Stations. John and Tony didn't care if these leaders couldn’t do the most basic things to protect the members, because John and Tony are setting them up to take the blame when they sell out of Stations!

   The second sign was when Lawson was dumped after just 1 week. She betrayed the leadership that she ran with before and instead worked closely with management to get Stations votes for Samuelsen's slate. John showed his gratitude, and revealed his disregard for Stations, when he dumped her as soon as he had no more use for her.

   Now, after the election, he has no more use for the rest of Stations, you are already finding that out. Stations is first to be singled out for management attack and you are alone, with a department leadership that's clueless and a top leadership that doesn't care.

   Samuelsen and Utano have already sold you out!


Different Set of Rules

Different Set of Rules

I'm outraged to hear that Samuelsen shut down the union hall when it snowed.

Although Samuelsen and Utano, who are both from MoW, may not know the rules for RTO, busses, stations and CED they do know that the

MoW rule is if you don't come to work when it snows you don't get paid. But I guess John and Tony figure that now that they are union big shots these rules don't apply to them - they only apply to lowly transit workers.

While transit workers across the system were suffering in the snow John and his cronies were tucked up warm and comfy.

It looks like Samuelsen and company now consider themselves to be above the average TA worker and that there's one set of rules for union officials and another set of rules for union members.