Saturday, February 6, 2010

Amnesty for all

Samuelsen has given all members in bad standing unofficial amnesty.

1. He hires staff that could not run for top office because they didn’t pay their dues.

(Francis has been appointed the new chair of the election committee, and Marvin Holland is now political director)

2. He stopped all dues checking at all special events and division meetings at the hall, allowing all non dues paying members complete access to our Union Hall.

3. Now has the AM NY reporter quote non dues paying members (Norman Pou) in the story that bashes the union see article in the Feb. 10th edition.
What’s next?


Missing in action

Sure we have heard Samuelsen on the radio. He has even showed up at a couple of division meetings, but, what about the field?

Samuelsen has had press conferences and spoke at events yet not visited any locations.

Could it be he is scared of the members or is it simply that we don’t matter to him?

Last year we saw rallies upon rallies about our contract, plenty of media coverage, and the pressure was on “WHAT HAPPENED”? Why are we not doing this?

John if you can’t rally all of TWU maybe you can bring your followers (paid staff) and fight for the members instead of some prior administration.


Samulsen and company are in an 'email panic'!

They're so afraid of any discussion of issues affecting our union that they are trying to disrupt and silence this discussion by various fraudulent means.

This just follows up on the illegal electronic snooping and spamming that Samulsen and company have been doing. In fact, word from the hall is specific assignments have been given out along these lines.

It seems that Samuelsen, "Mr. trade union democrat", wants to decide what democratic discussion to allow and what to disrupt. All this comes at the same time that he is trying to silence elected officers who didn't run with his team by shutting them out of meetings and making deals behind their backs.

That's "democracy", Samuelsen style!
