Friday, February 26, 2010

Where's the tough talking militant now?

   The bosses are on the attack and more and more members, even people who voted for TBOU, are saying, "Samuelsen and his crew are weak". It looks like the MTA thinks that too. The MTA thinks our new union "leader" is so soft that they didn't even bother to inform him about their plan for layoffs. In a few news reports Samuelsen has admitted this.
   Disrespect for the union is happening all over though, not just at the top. Ever since the departure of a leadership that the MTA respected and feared they have been acting as if there is no union at all, this last show of disrespect for Samuelsen is just more of what's been going on all over and proves that it's coming right from the top.
   The MTA is laughing at John's former tough talk, they think it was so phony and such a joke that they didn't even bother to tell him that they plan to can thousands of folks he represents.
   How are we supposed to fight back against this? There is no mass membership meeting, there are no rallies, there's not even a flyer! Where's the tough talking militant now?