Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stations Surrenders

Every time you bring up issues in Station Department with the VP and Div. Chair their response is we have a deal worked out with management.

I always thought the only way a deal is made is when both parties agree.

Jenkins what have you told management they can have?

Is it more booth closing?

As Echavarria said at his first Division meeting we would have more booths closed so we better get used to it.

Or is it that you won't fight the layoffs coming?

You guys said the last bunch of officers were too buddy, buddy with management. Well, you just jumped into the seats that they warmed up.

You have no clue, no idea, and definitely no plan.

Do you see what management has planned? I do, they work out deals with you because Management's plan is to fatten up their pigs before the slaughter.

-Station Booth-


What does John have to hide? What secret deals did he make with Walder?

Rumor has it that he's already made a deal to sell out the new hires, what will it be?

A stretch out of the wage progression?

Two tier wages?

A tier 5 pension?

Stay tuned to see if John has sold out one or more of these, or if there are even more sellouts besides these.

If you have friends or relatives who are thinking of coming to Transit tell them to try and get in fast before the Samulsen crew sells their job out!


The Master of self promotion

John said our union didn't need a professional media relations firm, and, as far as he's concerned he was right!

He's doing a great job of self promotion all by himself!
He's turning our union's website into another chance for him to get photo ops.
Go to the Local 100 website and the first thing you see is John's face but not much more then that because his empty quotes and inane comments are an even bigger embarrassment then his photo.

Members should check it out if they want a good laugh, unfortunately, management is laughing at this clown too!



It looks like Izzy Rivera, Benita Johnson, Angel Giboyeaux, have all been shelved!

There are now only two votes that count in our union, Samulsen's and Utano's. The real leadership is this "top two". The members elected Izzy, Benita and Angel, but Samulsen has bypassed them and handpicked Tony Utano as his number two.

Samulsen and Utano are having high level meetings without Izzy, Benita and Angel even being told, let alone consulted.

Samulsen and Utano are calling all the shots and making all the decisions, Izzy, Benita and Angel have nothing to say, at least nothing that John and Tony think they have to listen to.



   Lee Ireland you are being very quiet. We the membership received so much literature from you when you were campaigning, where's the information now that you are elected.

   Lee Ireland you wrote in your newsletter and I quote, because I saved them all .....”There should be a membership clause in the TWU Local 100 bylaw book that prevents the President from offering and the Executive Board Members from accepting Union Staff Positions. It is a total CONFLICT OF INTEREST and it is CORRUPTING OUR UNION. I love and support our Union, but I also want to fix what is WRONG.”

  Lee have you typed up this motion to present to the President and the Executive Board yet?

  Lee you also wrote and I quote again.....”The Executive Board Members (always a minority) that would like to report to their respective divisions before they vote are not given the opportunity to do so. This is because they don't find out what they're voting on until the day of the Executive Board Meeting with the President”.

  Lee, have you typed up this motion to present to the President and the Executive Board yet?

  Lee, you said you had a bad dream and now you woke up. I say now that you are woke and elected.... step up, man up and speak up. We haven't heard from you.
