Friday, April 23, 2010

Quiet on Layoffs

   Why are the elected officers treating the proposed layoffs like it's a pink elephant in the room? We know that they are there, yet Samuelson and Company's chooses to ignore them.

   I guess when you have no plans or are too afraid to fight that’s what you do.
   They are still set for May 7, 2010 unless someone heard otherwise. Last I read Walder said "there are more layoffs to come". Sounds like they are going to happen.

   On Apr.22, 2010 there was an Executive Board meeting and no discussions about the layoffs. There was also Station's Division Meeting. The Vice President, Div. Chair and the Div. Recording Secretary felt it was more important to ALL be at the Executive Board Meeting and not the AM meeting.
   Instead of dealing with the issue of layoffs they chose to avoid the questions that the members of Station needed answers too.
   I guess it was more important for Samuelsen to get their vote to push his agenda.

   This was a crucial meeting especially with the proposed layoffs being 2 weeks away.
I wonder how many of them put in for vacation the week of May 7th or requested that day off. Seems to me that Local 100's Officers priorities are screwed up.

-A Concerned Member-