Friday, January 29, 2010

Thanks John

Today’s AM New York carried a front page story about the $2 million cost for Family Day.

The reporter was sent a Local 100 financial report that even the Executive Board has neither discussed nor seen.

What the article doesn't mention is :

• The Local got back $½ million so far

• That it was reported to the Executive Board, and the monthly reports to the Board tracked the costs

• That we paid the going rate for a Great Adventure exclusive where the entire park is shut down and reserved for Transit Workers.

No hint of wrong doing (as usual)

The entire article downplays that the cost includes the cost for three family days, including 2010 and whatever returns come back from that.

The article is mostly an anti-TWU, anti-Union, and anti-labor message to New Yorkers.

Thanks John

This is another loser

Loser Francis, was taken off the slate because he was in bad standing, and now John Samuelsen named him the new Chair of the Elections Committee.

That was Monday January 25th.

By Wednesday January 27th a flyer with Samuelsen’s and Francis’s pictures were put in Grand Avenue Depot endorsing a slate in the Section Elections there!!!

Samuelsen is the all time Champion of democracy and unbiased fair play.

We are in real good hands with this crook.

-Submitted by Local 100 Bus Operator-

Samuelsen afraid to face us

Word is that Samuelsen and company have decided to postpone our mass membership meeting.

Why is Samuelsen afraid to face us? Why won't he tell the membership what the plans are for our union in 2010?

Is it because he doesn’t want to have to explain what he gave away in closed door meetings he had behind our backs with MTA boss Walder? Or, is it just because Samuelsen has no vision for 2010?

There are a lot of attacks coming down right now; lousy picks, with holding of raises, threatened layoffs, threats to pensions and benefits, threats of OPTO. We want to know what the plans are to fight all this. But it looks like Samuelsen has nothing to say!

When he was running for office John said that we should fight the MTA with direct action. Now the members want to know, what are the plans for direct action? What does he suggest we do? At one time John suggested slowdowns, if this is now the plan now why doesn’t he want to hold a meeting to let us know.

Postponement of the meeting will cost our union a lot of money. John has two months to plan for the meeting, that's plenty of time. Why won't he face us? Maybe it's that he just has nothing to say or maybe he doesn’t dare let us know what he and Walder have done behind our backs!

Submitted by MOWorker86