Monday, January 18, 2010

Arbitration Award Deadline Is here!!

Today is the deadline for the MTA to appeal the decision by the Courts, issued in December, upholding the Award issued by the Arbitration Panel since August. The MTA had 30 days which was extended by the weekend and the MLK holiday. All indication is that they will give up on appealing the decision. From the beginning the MTA knew that it had little or no legs to stand on legally. Their appeal was designed to prolong the pain and destabilize Local 100. With John Samuelsen elected, the MTA (and the media) accomplished one of their objectives. We will be getting a settlement of 11.3% plus a cap on Health care contributions at 40hrs which increases the raise significantly. Given the economy, that is a big victory, anyone that tells you otherwise is either confused or dishonest or both.

1 comment:

Transit Intelligencer said...

At the end of this contract the wages will be 11.28% higher then what they are now. That’s 11.28% not 7%, not 9%, as some folks who are either confused or lying say, and this doesn’t even include the fact that the 1.5% charge for retiree medical coverage is capped and just applied to straight time!

I make the following challenge to anyone that disputes that at the end of the contract, after the final raise, that the pay will be 11.28% higher. If I’m right and the rate of pay is 11.28% higher then give me the difference in your pay between the lower amount that you say and your actual pay, if I’m wrong then I’ll give you the difference between 11.28% and the lower amount. Any takers?