Saturday, January 30, 2010

Come Clean John !!!

An MTA boss once gave his idea of how to conduct union business. This boss said that union leaders need to raise a big ruckus on the shop floor, were the members can see and hear them, but afterwards they should go into the boss’s office and make a deal.

It looks like Samuelsen has taken a page out of this play book. He spouts "direct action" and militancy in his public statements and then goes into secret closed door meetings with the MTA brass and makes deals behind our backs.

Members want to know - what has John given away or who did he sell out; Conductors? Station Agents? New hires? Retirees? Our contract? Our pensions? Our benefits? Just what did he give away in those closed door meetings!

We were promised direct action meanwhile we're getting sold out in secret meetings.

-Submitted by MOWorker86-

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