Thursday, January 21, 2010

It’s our union, isn’t it?

Although the Union Hall was full for the MLK celebration it was disheartening to hear that most of the participants were from groups other than Local 100.

Most guests were from other organizations (special invitees), so, they had seat fillers to help pack the place.
True it is not uncommon to have guest at these events; however, the event is for Local 100 members.

Checking dues status at the door is the best way to reward the members that have financially supported local 100.It not only allows members that fell behind the opportunity to become in good standing again, this system allows members the ability to walk into an event knowing it is only possible thanks to the financial support that they contributed to the Union.

There is no way that Samuelson wants to bring a union together when he simply ignores the members that have stood true to local 100 during it’s toughest yet finest hours.

First and foremost we should bring our union together by having all members in good standing.

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