Friday, January 29, 2010

This is another loser

Loser Francis, was taken off the slate because he was in bad standing, and now John Samuelsen named him the new Chair of the Elections Committee.

That was Monday January 25th.

By Wednesday January 27th a flyer with Samuelsen’s and Francis’s pictures were put in Grand Avenue Depot endorsing a slate in the Section Elections there!!!

Samuelsen is the all time Champion of democracy and unbiased fair play.

We are in real good hands with this crook.

-Submitted by Local 100 Bus Operator-


eyes on you said...

Shameless Samuelsen has shown us once again what Take Back Our Union means.In office for less than a month,Samuelsen has removed James Mitchell as chair of the Election Committee and named Francis,from buses,as the new chair of the Election Committee.Remember,Francis was removed off of TBOU slate because he was in bad standing( not paying union dues)but to insure Marvin Holland,who was also in bad standing, and removed from the TBOU slate for not paying union dues; wins the Stations Cleaner Section election,Samuelsen appoints Francis-Holland and Francis are members with shattered integrity.
For Shameless Samuelsen,who championed the cause of the none due paying members, TBOU stands for "Take Back Our Union from MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING". Staffing 80 West End with members in bad standing is a promise he(Samuelsen)made the very day(2 years ago)when he distributed a flyer advising members not to pay Union Dues.

Anonymous said...

Discrimation looms at the Hall, after critizing Roger as it regards to his policies. John Samuelsen has hired members who refused to pay they dues to earn UNION PAYING MEMBERS DOLLARS. To add insult to injury he installed David Francis (non-paying dues flunkie) director of the Elections Committee. Francis promptly throw out other rulings disqulifying members for being on a TA surface Dispatchers List while elected Division Committee members to continue to serve. So under John nose and on a union letter head John encourages discrimintion. In addition he is now allowing Alonzo Butler out of Grand Ave. another TBOU ally to run after he was disqualify for non- payment of dues. So Francis and John is saying screw the by laws;guess its now John's LAW. We are not finish Mr. Francis and John and their FRAUD squad went abit futher Members who were disquilfied after being nominated by members of a different sction are also being allowed to run, violating Section VI of the election rules which states members must be nominated at section meetings. It just happens that TA surface has 7 sections or 7 depots and their meetings are held at the division meeting. The rules still remain the same a section is still a section. How many are we going to get wrong David or John? Is this how we start healing? Do you think by giving Curtis a job the bleeding stops.In my opinion Curtis sold out the proud members the ran under his slate.