Tuesday, January 19, 2010

TWU shows MLK Pride

Good turn out from a cross section of members. That’s a good thing.
Whether they support the new administration or not (as several made a point of noting) it is clear that transit workers have no intention of being pushed out of their Union.

That’s far better than what Samuelsen’s crew did over the years, leading boycott after boycott of Union mobilizations, hoping that they failed.

Beyond that, this mobilization and the program followed the playbook laid down over the years by the prior administration.

1 comment:

Transit Intelligencer said...

That's right - the MLK day did have a good turn out. Although the turn out was not as big as that for last years event it was pretty big. However like the writer says, there were a lot of non TWU folks there. A lot of non TWU and a fair number of folks who had boycotted every union event for the last few years showed up for this one plus most of the folks who have been regularly coming to union events over the past few years, (they did not boycott this one).

But let’s take a look at the non TWU. Among them were quite a few parasites that were sniffing around looking for jobs.

I saw former track General Superintendent George Macananama. Years ago the union was criticized by some for hiring a former TA boss to work for the union, but this wasn't the only problem with General Superintendent George. The other problem was that G. S. George didn't like to work. During his time at the hall he proved to be a master at getting other people to do his work. But it doesn't end there. You see George didn't like even having to show up for work so the union finally had to give him the boot - seemed they needed somebody who could at least be guaranteed to show up now and then - the members deserve at least that for their money. If Samuelsen is going to pay off a former TA boss then the members better get something for it.

Also seen was Alan Saly. When he was working for the local Saly was a rat who informed on now deceased, building engineer James Beard to State authorities. Well, I think everybody will agree that a union can't afford to have a rat working for it. What does the new local president have to say about that? We're waiting to see what John Samuelsen does about this rat that’s now sucking up for a job.

Then there's the biggest phony of them all, Frank Goldsmith - he was also there looking for a job. Goldsmith was and is a real snake. A blowhard, a do nothing, a master BS artist, This guy is nothing but a good line of shit, a self promoting phony who was fired from every job he had after they figure him out. During his time at TWU Goldsmith became the joke of the union hall. He was infamous for getting stock tips from his broker over our union's fax lines - he was too cheap and lazy to take care of such personal business at home. When Toussaint finally dumped Goldsmith's worthless ass members were asking themselves, "why did it take so long"? Now Samuelsen will have to deal with this problem. How long will he shell out our dues money to this good for nothing before he has to dump him? How long will it be before Goldsmith dumps John for another sucker, just like Goldsmith did to Toussaint before him?

Well these are just a few of the parasites who showed up to beg for jobs, we're waiting to see how the local deals with this - just one of (and far from the most important of) the problems they have to deal with now.