Saturday, February 6, 2010

Missing in action

Sure we have heard Samuelsen on the radio. He has even showed up at a couple of division meetings, but, what about the field?

Samuelsen has had press conferences and spoke at events yet not visited any locations.

Could it be he is scared of the members or is it simply that we don’t matter to him?

Last year we saw rallies upon rallies about our contract, plenty of media coverage, and the pressure was on “WHAT HAPPENED”? Why are we not doing this?

John if you can’t rally all of TWU maybe you can bring your followers (paid staff) and fight for the members instead of some prior administration.


1 comment:

Unionman100 said...

They are missing in action at First Transit also. They have an insect problem at First Transit and Johnboy and company have done nothing for our members at FT. They have called him and Earl Philips (Safety Director) to no avail. Even Doc. Goldsmith is MIA. Listen you MARYLAND FARMERS get up off your collective asses and shut the damn place down until the problem is addressed by management. Show some leadership you wusses.