Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Phantom Mass Membership meeting

Hey John, what about the raise this October? You didn’t mention that or the raise next year.

Isn’t that the one the TA wanted?

Stop playing games with member’s lives and tell us what kind of deal you already cut.

John you should deal with the removal of booths, ridiculous bus schedules, and the layoffs that are looming but don’t insult us by leaving out the rest of the contract.

Talk to us not the media.

Maybe we will hear about it at the Phantom Mass Membership meeting?



Anonymous said...

Now that we know there's NO Mass Membership Meeting in February. John does that mean that Local 100 made a $49,000 plus donation to the Jacob Javits Center. You are spending alot of money, or should I say squandering alot of our dues money and you have been in office what almost 2 months.
-first Exec. Board meeting lasted about 4 hours (everyone paid for the day, some more than 8 hrs.)
-cancellation of Mass Membership (deposit lost?)
- Snow Day, WOW! Who is paying them for this day you declared the Union Hall closed. (Feb. 10, 2010)
John make sure you explain to the Executive Board your reason for these costly decisions you have made. Then ask for a show of hands as to how many of them enjoyed their Snow Day.

Anonymous said...

We are facing a large problem with the economic and budget crises.Like others who have posted on this blog,Istrongly feel we need to have the Mass MEMBERSHIP Meetingas soon as possible,to strategize on how to fight back in the context of these crises and also how to secure the third year of the good contract Toussaint got us.By meeting and figuring out a fighting strategy and using the power of the members we stand abettre chance of a succesful outcome. It's stange that Samuelsen doesn't see this.It's nice that he's having these press conferences and building coalitions with politicians and rider groups etc.This is part of a succesful strategy.This the guy who said rallies aren't effective.we need Direct Action on the job[oh, I forgot he said this during the election campaign].He said this about rallies that are much more effective than press conferences.The problem with his course of action is it leaves out the members,there's no way for the members to participate,just watch his videos.It leaves out the power of the workers.Maybe, he's hiding something,maybe he's made deals with Walder or is preparing with Walder,and of course for deals you need secrecy.We need to have the Mass Membership Meeting as soon as possible,we need things that include our members for an effective Fight-back.It's also strange to me that the self-styled Rank and File Guru Steve Downs is silent on this.