Monday, March 8, 2010


   I went to the rally at MTA Public hearing last Thursday. I looked at the local's website over the weekend and they claimed there were 3 thousand members there.

   There were 3 thousand members there if you multiply the actual number by 5 or 6.There could have been if the current administration had the desire and the know how to organize and mobilize.

   They’ve shown they are good at lying and outrageous rumor-mongering. This is the reason that Samuelsen claims to offer an olive branch to the folks loyal to the last administration, he knows we can mobilize members.

   Samuelsen knows that a half to two-thirds of his forces is lazy and have no trade union ideals. Whole sections of the Local never saw a flyer for the rally or saw them just a day or two before it, or a night or two before. He talks of the need to stop infighting in the Local, that’s funny coming from the King of infighting. Samuelsen wants folks to not criticize his inactions or policies while he continues to bash the prior administration.

   Don’t fall for his soft-soap routine. If you feel wrong is being done use your democratic right to say it. Samuelsen wants us to get out there and organize the members for him. While we support efforts to mobilize the members, he's calling all the shots, and not opening up a discussion with the membership.

   His folks need to do the bulk of the lifting

   -A member from Track-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a station agent who works at night and my booth didn't get a flyer till the night before and we are the folks most under the gun.The union tells us nothing.This is what taking back our union amounts to?Also samuelsen'ss press agents-The Chief said there were 500 members at last week's rally. d,station agent