Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Utano Bombshell

   To be, "Hoist on your own petard", is an old fashion expression that means you were blown up by your own bomb. This seems to be what happened to Samuelsen, except that instead of blowing himself up he blew up his number two, Tony Utano. It looks like Samuelsen is inept at anything except campaigning.

   Unbelievable as it seems, Samulesen asked the Department of Labor to investigate Local 100, that's right, he ratted to the Feds on his own union! Samuelsen hoped to find some dirt on his political enemies, but instead what the Feds found was that Samuelsen's chief advisor, Tony Utano, was ineligible to run for VP of MoW because of dues problems.
   Now many members want to see this illegitimate VP removed as quickly as possible! Anyway, seeing as how Samuelsen's latest scheme has backfired he'll probably blame the whole thing on Izzy Rivera, Samuelsen's favorite whipping boy.
   Forgetting about Utano though, this whole thing is a disgrace. Somebody needs to do something to put a stop to this gangs anti labor nonsense. Who will act? The eboard? The international? The AFL-CIO?    
     Somebody needs to act fast before these guys do even greater harm.


Anonymous said...

Let Utano work with Francis on the election committee. Maybe then he might learn the rules on being in good standing for 12 months before he attempts to run again. Francis can tutor him!

Anonymous said...

Who is going to tutor Francis?