Saturday, July 3, 2010

Where's the Compassion?

An email was sent out that a Hotline was setup for those who are laid off to call for updates. They call it the Help Desk. This is supposed to be in place for you to get a compassionate human being to answer your questions/concerns.

That is if you anyone answers the phone, which they don’t, I know because I have called it.

The person answering the Hotline extension is Sabrina Greenwood.

She is a reclassified Station Supervisor who wrote up Brothers and Sisters in the Station Department. She was sent back because an Agent wrote her up.

At the Special Meetings for those facing layoffs and at the Station Div. Meetings she is very rude and nasty. She still has that management way of dealing with us.

Samuelsen, you were at that Special Meeting when she got into the verbal fight with a member facing lay off. It would have been physical had security not stepped in.

You need to look into getting someone else for that job.

Members in Station Department are outraged about your choice.

S/A in Good Standings

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