Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vote of No Confidence

When Local 100 wanted to take care of the Widows and Orphans of our brother’s and sisters who have died in the line of duty a Fund was created.

When Local 100 needed more money in COPE, a cope drive was established.

But! When Local 100 wanted to help the members who have been laid off, Samuelsen took the money.

If Samuelsen thought the members were behind him all he had to do was ask.

Samuelsen showed us all he has no confidence in us, he has made it clear to us all that only his way matters, no matter how pathetic it is.

Ask yourself then ask Samuelsen;

Why couldn’t members give voluntarily?

How does Union staff pay (they don’t get TA pay checks)?

How long the vote would have gone just to get the yes number up?

- could be any member-


Anonymous said...

I hear Samuelsen is on vacation in Ireland.Have fun on your well deserved vacation,you're doing a heck of a job,Brownie.

Anonymous said...

On Tuesday Morning August 24th Samuelson and some of his crew came to Coney Island Shop,I guess to do some damage control after word of their dirty vote got out.He had officers from other divisions there backing him up but none from ours ,Car Equipment,what a jerk.Curtis Tate was there alongside J.S.and he spoke about how we should unite behind Samuelson.In my opinion unite around what ,he and them don't do anything.Unite and watch Samuelson's videosa bunch of times instead of just once?I'm happy to report their clown act was not well received. C.E.M.