Friday, January 29, 2010

Thanks John

Today’s AM New York carried a front page story about the $2 million cost for Family Day.

The reporter was sent a Local 100 financial report that even the Executive Board has neither discussed nor seen.

What the article doesn't mention is :

• The Local got back $½ million so far

• That it was reported to the Executive Board, and the monthly reports to the Board tracked the costs

• That we paid the going rate for a Great Adventure exclusive where the entire park is shut down and reserved for Transit Workers.

No hint of wrong doing (as usual)

The entire article downplays that the cost includes the cost for three family days, including 2010 and whatever returns come back from that.

The article is mostly an anti-TWU, anti-Union, and anti-labor message to New Yorkers.

Thanks John

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell Samuelsen the campaign is over?
He beat Curtis Tate (Vernon Thorpe assistant) not Roger Toussaint, he could never have beaten Roger Toussaint. Could someone tell Samuelsen that Union business is our business and not the Press’ business? By leaking out the financial report to AM New York we know Samuelsen is trying to make Toussaint look bad, but what he is really doing is making the Union look bad. Do you think the public will have any sympathy for us now? Do you think the Judge who will be hearing the appeal of on contract have any sympathy? I thought Samuelsen beat Vernon’s assistant for the Presidency of local 100, I didn’t know Samuelsen was the president of the Straphanger Association. We know that Samuelsen is already in bed with the NYCT and is a Bloomberg man but we didn’t know he became MTA chairman Jay Walder and Mike Bloomberg spokesman

-Submitted by Ulmer Park-