Thursday, May 6, 2010


   Today I got an email from Local 100. The title of it is called the "Union stops clock on booth closings".     When I opened it the title of the article was "The layoff of 475 temporarily Halted". I am one of the agents that will be made extra when the clock starts again on the booth closings. Keeping us in the booths should have been settled at 2 Bway. Why did it take the going to court?
   Why did it take the MTA disrespecting our pick rights to temporarily stop the layoffs? The MTA is walking all over us. When Supervision called us and told us you are being made extra as of May 7 we were shocked. The biggest shock was when we said "we have pick rights and you can't make me extra" the Supervisor replied “take it up with your union".
   Those of us that still had some faith in the union called them. Their reply was managements rights is how they were able to make us extra, not only extra, the bottom of the list extra. I am glad I got a few more days to mentally prepare myself for being extra, because of the court injunction.
   If Samuelsen pulls off us staying in our picked job until the pick changes, you better wonder what he gave up.

   I wouldn't be surprised if he comes and asks us to give up something just to stay in our jobs.

     -Violated SCA-


   John Samuelsen has proven to be a wooden leader. He has no idea how to run and move Local 100 forward. He leaves his staff in the dark thus we the membership have no idea what the union is doing.
   We read about our union in the daily newspapers instead of elected officials coming out into the field updating us. Our union has become the new ship of fools run by Captain Ahab in search of the elusive white whale.

   Averting the layoffs of station agents at this stage of the game is a sad commentary on where Local 100 is at.
   A year ago we were at the vanguard of the labor movement in the city and nationally. Now we are wusses who have let the MTA punk us, to the highest level of punk - ability. John and his men ( Utano, Jenkins) who stare menacingly at the MTA as though the MTA were goats need to quit and turn the Local over to the members so that we can vote people in who know how to lead us in these turbulent times.
   We need some kick ass leadership not kiss ass leadership!

And for my Next Trick

   I can’t believe we’re going through this. This week I had the talk with my family about the layoffs definitely going through. Now in the last moment we are told it is going to be held off.

   Don’t get me wrong I thank god for this but I don’t like to have my life played with. Samuelsen has performed like a deer stuck in the headlights and now layoffs are averted? I saw the look on his face at Monday’s meeting and he couldn’t have known the layoffs would be averted, unless he is the world’s biggest liar.

   I just hope we weren’t used as pawns so he could look good giving back our contract, again let me say I am grateful to be keeping my job but I will be looking elsewhere until I am satisfied my job is safe.

   I am hearing through the grapevine that Toussaint made some phone calls, if that is true bless you Roger,  and Samuelsen should thank you too.

       -Thankful S/A