Thursday, May 6, 2010


   John Samuelsen has proven to be a wooden leader. He has no idea how to run and move Local 100 forward. He leaves his staff in the dark thus we the membership have no idea what the union is doing.
   We read about our union in the daily newspapers instead of elected officials coming out into the field updating us. Our union has become the new ship of fools run by Captain Ahab in search of the elusive white whale.

   Averting the layoffs of station agents at this stage of the game is a sad commentary on where Local 100 is at.
   A year ago we were at the vanguard of the labor movement in the city and nationally. Now we are wusses who have let the MTA punk us, to the highest level of punk - ability. John and his men ( Utano, Jenkins) who stare menacingly at the MTA as though the MTA were goats need to quit and turn the Local over to the members so that we can vote people in who know how to lead us in these turbulent times.
   We need some kick ass leadership not kiss ass leadership!


Anonymous said...

I hear that Samuelson has two bodyguards.Where does the money come from to pay them?When Samuelson goes on a trip where does the money come from to pay for the plane tickets,hotel rooms etc.?After this week's bad news is Samuelson going to hire more bodyguards?

Anonymous said...

I saw John with his 2 body guards in DC - they were with him as he strutted about. Is he afraid of the Sation Agents that he got laid off?