Monday, June 7, 2010


It’s been 5 months and all I have seen is the MTA taking, taking, and taking.

The new Leadership first put the blame on Roger, now it’s the rank and file's fault for not getting involved in the fight.

First of all Samuelsen never put up a fight. Where is that militancy that Samuelsen said they were going to bring?

TBOU stood for Take Back Our Union didn't it?

The MTA is the one that has Taken Back Our Union.

-They took back 266 jobs from our members (layoffs and more to come)

-STEP graduates stopped from advancing to skilled titles they were trained to do (at the MTAs expense).

-The backbone of the elected Officers (if they ever had any)

NEWS FLASH ---- Samuelsen, you are are supposed to represent the Rank and File.

We, as the Rank and File have to decide how much more we are going to let the MTA take back.

The new administration obviously doesn’t give a damn.

If they are not bringing the information to us then let’s go and get it from them.

It’s time we remember we as the Rank and File voted them in as a voice for us, but it's the Rank and File that lets them know what we need and what we want.

Ex-TBOU Supporter


Anonymous said...

I also supported the election and now I ask myself why.There's no information giving to us.The last administration with whatever faults it had,kept us abreast of what was going on,what was their position on things.They kept us up to date on different programs that they started,rallies and events,Upgrade Training,Childcare sign-up dates etc.The current administration is the complete opposite.This is amazing to me given the current situation.I am not the only one who's noticed this. Trackworker from ERT

Anonymous said...

The above comment really resonated with me.A case in point is with the current hot weather on the union's website is an item about how to work safe in the heat,why isn't this put out in the field like the last administration would do twice a summer? I know people don't want to overuse paper wanting to save forests,but this is ridiculous,you need to communicate with the membership.

Anonymous said...

] j ust received an e-mail from the Local where they mention a few different things.One is about Family Day,why are they having Family Day, I thought they said Family Day is the work of the Devil?They said one way you could buy tickets is from their outreach teams,they can have outreach teams for Family Day but none for none for the serious crisis we are facing.Why don't these clowns resign? Third Rail

Anonymous said...

Samuelsen and t.b.o.u. said a big problem in our local was that Toussaint was stifling their good ideas on how to fight the T.A. and their great fight back strategies.Well Toussaint has been gone all this year.where are their great ideas on fighting back?Where are Samuelsen's great innovative fighting strategies.Instead we get no fight back strategy involving the membership and we have Samuelsen saying at an Executive Board meeting and also at a Staff meeting 'I just don't know what to do'.

Anonymous said...

So Samuelsen twice has said in meetings with officers 'Ijust don't know what to do'.Ihave a suggestion to him,Resign.Resign and go home and get your fing shinebox.

Anonymous said...

Samuelson and his crew are coming around to finally talk to the members looking to get folks to vote Yes on the dues increase.Don't be shy,tell them what you think.I know a lot of folks feel like where the hell have they been?After all their talking the last few years,their close to silence this year is deafening.Samuelson and them had all the answers the four years before this year,now he says 'he just doesn't know what to do'.What up, the Answers are eluding the Answerman?That's got to be hard on a person.tell them why don;t we get any information,why don't they have a fight-back strategy,why don't they show some leadership,why don't they get their house in order,have the union actually functioning before them come with their hands out.Why didn;t they come to us months and have us involved in an actual fight against layoffs?We would like to feel there is a union on the property.Don;t hold your tongue,tell them.