Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Leadership that Can vs. A Leadership that Can't

   Last year the MTA proposed 1100 layoffs, station agents were threatened. At that time our unions leadership did what was needed to save these jobs and the MTA was forced to shelve its layoff plan, saying instead that any staff reductions would be by attrition only.

   Now with a new TWU 100 leadership, a leadership that the bosses don’t respect, the MTA reversed itself and abandoned the staff reductions by attrition plan and revived the layoff plan. So far all the new Local 100 leadership has done about this is cry and blame the old leadership; the leadership that stopped the layoffs in the first place. It looks like there is a difference in leadership style between the two, a leadership that can vs. a leadership that can't and then tries to blame others for its own failures.

   Samuelsen's crying, rather than fighting, and his stupid anti union statements have weakened the new leadership’s position that is unless some sell out deal was already cut behind members backs in those secret meetings with Walder.

   It's looking like with his big mouth and his incompetence, Samuelsen has painted himself in a corner, or maybe he has negotiated a sellout behind our backs, either way he has proven that he's not fit to lead.

   Samuelsen, either admit that your powerless to stop the layoffs or tell us what you gave away behind our backs.



Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that this new leadership is un-doing a lot of good work that was done by the past administration. And more importantly it is at the expense of the membership! What a shame! Get off your fat ass John!

Anonymous said...

Last Spring,T.B.O.U.put up a load of stickers saying T.B.O.U. No Layoffs as part of their election campaign.They were still putting these stickers up months after the then Union Adminstration defeated the layoff threat.Now they are in power and have control of the union's resources and we're facing a layoff threat again,where are the No Layoff stickers? A Member from Track