Sunday, February 28, 2010

Where are the Station Officers?

   Station Agents have starting receiving notices from the MTA preparing them for their layoff.

   They are reaching out to anyone who will listen for help, because they don't know who to call.

   They have received forms they must fill out and return by a specific date, but no one to explain these forms to them.

   They can't believe this is happening, why because those that are in office can't believe it either.

   Word is there are 4 officers that received letters, I bet now they believe it.

   Station Agents want to know, where are Station Officers?

   Why are they not answering their phones, could it be they can't answer calls if no one has the number to call?

   Are you guys working on saving the 450 Station Agents or are you working out a deal to save just the 4 that are Station Officers?

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