Sunday, February 28, 2010

No Comment for the Chief

Samuelsen and Co. were in the Chief every week updating the members with the State of our Union according to them.

They rallied for Sexton from Private Lines to get his job back, in the Chief.

They wanted us to believe Pollard was victimized, in the Chief.

They announced their run for elections, in the Chief.

They attacked the past Administration (that stopped the layoffs), in the Chief.

They spoke against the Arbitrator's Award, in the Chief.

In the past year if you looked at that paper you could not have missed Samuelsen and Co. getting ink in the Chief.

Now that layoffs, service cuts, and who knows what else is coming
they are avoiding the Chief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course you are right but on top of that,they are not talking to or with the members.These are the great Rank and File fighthers?I for one tried to tell the members T.B.O.U. totally lacked leadership qualities.What's going to be left of our Local at the end of this three year period? A member from Track